You are so welcome here!   

I have created this online space so that you can get what you’ve always longed for. 

To be fully seen. 

To be deeply heard.

To be gently held by the supportive and inspiring community of women committed to the same goal. 

Women, who are ready to let go of what no longer serves them, break free from over-stressing, over-giving, over-working (add your own:)) and make a gentle but radical shift  into true and authentic 


Hi, my name is Kasia!

I am a women's holistic coach & counsellor, lover of all things hand-made, mama of 2 adults & a teenager and a true believer in the transformative power of self-love.

I help sensitive, warm-hearted and empathetic women to build their emotional strength, self-confidence and authenticity so that they can fall back in love with themselves and create life and relationships they love and feel proud of!

Time is passing by now matter what...

Don't wait even a day longer before you make yourself your own PRIORITY!

Available Products

Free Mini -Training : 3 Step Formula To Self-Soothe and Self-Regulate At Times of Emotional Overwhelm.

Your emotional freedom starts here!

Free Mini-training (20 min) + Resource Book to self-soothe and self -regulate your emotions when they start to take over your life. 

Self-Love Magic Makeover

My breakthrough 7-step formula to stop the struggle, reclaim your self-confidence, regain your zest for life and


Self-Love Relaxation Bundle

My 3 most popular guided relaxation recordings. Each practice gives you 15-30min of gentle unwinding, relaxed breathing and a powerful opportunity to reconnect to yourself on a deep level.

Thriving Through Tough Times

Creative Workbook with 6 powerful practices to help you build strength and resilience not through tensing up or pushing through but through


Self-Love Revolution Relaxation Bundle

My 3 most popular guided relaxation recordings. Each practice will give you some priceless time of gentle unwinding, relaxed breathing and a powerful opportunity to reconnect to yourself on a deep level.

50 Days To Healthy Love

For Warm-Hearted & Empathetic Women Ready To Be Seen, Respected & Loved For Who They Truly Are!

Use my unique Ignite Method to stand strong, feel emotionally connected & find deep fulfilment
 in your relationships with your family, friends and partners in less than 30min a day!

My Products Available Products
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