Thriving Through Tough Times

This creative workbook will guide you through a process of creating your own gentle, compassionate but very powerful (and empowering!) response to whatever challenge you might be going through right now.

Follow the path & invite PEACE, EASINESS and ALIVENESS back into your life!

When faced with a challenging situation, crisis or even trauma our nervous system goes into survival mode.

The 4 major responses are fight, flight, freeze or collapse. While life-saving in the moment of danger, these physiological reactions are meant to be quick and short-lived.

When we get stuck in any of them for longer periods of time they are very detrimental to our emotional wellbeing and our physical health.

It often feels like we have to tense our body, restrict our breath, clench our jaws, if we want to stay strong and survive.

It feels like we have to do whatever possible to avoid our emotions by distracting ourselves, by keeping ourselves busy, by talking ourselves out of them or otherwise we won't be able to handle them.

But it never works well for us! and often we pay a huge price for choosing this way. Anxiety, depression, exhaustion, burn out and plenty of physical ailments are common results.

Let me show you how to do it DIFFERENTLY!

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