
Hi, A very warm welcome to SELF-LOVE MAGIC MAKEOVER! 

I’m delighted you are here and I’m delighted you have decided to make a real breakthrough in how you think and feel about yourself! 

You can be sure these will be a very interesting 7 days! 

You will have plenty of opportunities to get to know yourself much better, to start treating yourself with more respect and kindness and also to challenge and change some of your deepest beliefs and habits that might be stopping you from living a full, rich and meaningful life! Ready to start? 

How is it going to work? 

Over the next 7 days, you will get access to a new Module each day.  And to a very special gift at the end of the course :)

Each module consists of :

-a short training video ( 10-15 minutes) 

-a task or practice for you to focus on, on this particular day

- a Daily Journal Page to download and fill in to deepen your self-reflection and get even more insights and breakthroughs!

Each day you also will receive an email with a friendly reminder to log into your account and complete next Module!  So, no excuses :)

How much time will it take? 

I'll keep the videos short and sweet :) (max 15min long). Then,  you have a journal page for each day which shouldn’t take you more than 10-15 min maximum (you can set a timer for this). 

Then, the task for the day…. it doesn't take any extra time :) But it is the heart of this course!

The real change and breakthrough can only come from you implementing what you learn into your life.

And this doesn't take any extra time at all, but it takes some practice and dedication :)  It’s about making a few, intentional, internal shifts.  It’s about starting to do things a bit differently and learning a few new skills. It's about rewiring your brain so that it serves you better (don't worry it doesn't hurt!)

But... as with learning any new skill, it might feel uncomfortable or weird at the start. 

That's the normal part of the process. 

Don’t let it discourage you! 

Remember how you were learning to ride a bike? It doesn't come instantly and it usually involves some frustration and a scratched knee:) 

It’s the same here, so be patient and kind with yourself but also be consistent.

These little changes and tweaks you will be practising, have huge potential, and they will, I can guarantee this!!! transform your life and put love, easiness and joy back into it, provided you commit to them for long enough. 

So, you need just 3 things to have all the success with this course:


Practice and


and the rewards are really sweet!

This course is based on my over a decade long experience as a counsellor and coach supporting women to build their emotional strength, self-confidence and authenticity so that they can recognize and celebrate their true beauty, power and wisdom. As well as on my almost 30-year experience in my own personal development and growth!

Each lesson is carefully planned and the sequence they come in, is very intentional. I encourage you to work through the course as it comes to you, day after day, focusing on one lesson/ skill/task each day.  As you have lifetime access to the course you can always come back to them later, if you need to!

And one more important thing... Have fun on the way! Experiment, be curious and stay willing to be surprised.


Thank you for sharing your time and presence with me, and


1 Lesson


Hi, A very warm welcome to SELF-LOVE MAGIC MAKEOVER! 

Lessons for this module 1
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